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StockGPT is an AI-powered financial research assistant designed to simplify financial research. It primarily focuses on providing access to earnings call transcripts from all S&P 500 companies. Here are the key details:

Key Features

  • AI-Powered Search: Offers in-depth analysis of companies and markets by leveraging AI.
  • Search Transcripts: Provides summaries and detailed analyses of company performances over various timeframes.
  • Customizable Filters: Allows searching through specific transcripts, time periods, and sectors.
  • Up-to-Date Data: Includes the latest publicly available transcripts to ensure current information.
  • Industry Research: Enables users to inquire about broader industry trends and impacts.


  1. Free Plan: Offers access to S&P 500 company transcripts with a limit of 5 searches per day.
  2. StockGPT Pro: Priced at $12/month, this plan allows unlimited searches and includes advanced filtering options.


  • Accurate Information: Ensures reliability with direct data sourcing, avoiding inaccuracies.
  • Convenience: Simplifies the process of financial research, particularly for analyzing earnings calls.
  • Broad Coverage: Covers all S&P 500 companies, offering a comprehensive range of data.

StockGPT positions itself as a valuable tool for investors, analysts, and financial enthusiasts seeking detailed, AI-assisted insights into company performances and market trends​


  • StockGPT
  • AI-Powered Search